We are all given prescriptions for how and who to be, what to do and how to act, what to say and what not to say, what to wear/not wear, etc. All day!
We are given these prescriptions by society, culture, family, and religion (SCRF).
We are told to be the best at everything, what we need to do to be perfect, how to behave to avoid rejection.
We are not given the time and space to think for ourselves, to discover what we truly believe. We are not purely encouraged to discover for ourselves at all. Ever.
Authentic Evolution™ gives you exactly that.
You will be walked through a clear step-by-step process to identify what you were prescribed by SCRF and what you still subscribe to, to redraft your subscriptions to match your current-day truth and authentic expression, to give yourself permission to be you and to be loved just the way you are, and to identify action steps to practically embody these new truths starting TODAY.
Before Authentic Evolution, Danielle didn’t communicate clearly or set boundaries. This meant she didn’t say anything if she felt disrespected. Over the 6 months after taking Authentic Evolution all her relationships have transformed. She now sets boundaries and communicates clearly.
-Danielle Gann-Lind | Resource Management & Logistics | Nevada, USA
Before Authentic Evolution, Matt was comparing his masculinity and worth to the amount of toys and wealth he acquired. By going through Authentic Evolution he uncovered the unconscious blocks around wealth and masculinity that were keeping him from realizing his true worth. Now he is empowered, “I can now assume my own truth when it comes to money, wealth, and power.”
-Dr. Matt Helm | Licensed Professional Counselor | Michigan, USA
Being able to say “No” is paramount to living authentically.
In this video bonus, you will learn what the Levels of No look like. You will be given an exercise to practice speaking up.
You will feel empowered to listen to and exercise your authentic “No” starting TODAY!
We are taught to repress our turn-on, to hide our arousal. We are told it is not acceptable!
Turn-on is your birthright. It is the compass that lights the path to what lights you up and makes life worth living. It is not just sexual – you can be turned on by the sunset, flowers, a meal.
Turn-on is acceptable. It is what you do with it that matters. This video will support you to own your truth, your authentic “yes” and “no” starting NOW!
Made with 💛 by Mel Judson Creative