Sex and Intimacy

THE most comprehensive practical sex ed for pleasure, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Everyone deserves to receive this!

Sex, Intimacy, Eroticism - they seem to be a Grand Mystery
One day it’s simple, the next it is complicated...
Have you ever wondered why different moves, positions, or techniques:
- Work on some bodies and don’t on others?
- Feel good with some partners and don’t with others?
- Blow some people’s orgasmic states into the ethers while others flatline?
The reason? We are all wired differently to give, receive, and experience pleasure. That is why we all have different likes and dislikes. We see this often with food, music, and clothing preferences – some things do it for some people, other things don’t.

Become a Master at Understanding Pleasure
- What would life be like if you had a secret decoder to understand what would bring pleasure and erotic fulfillment to you and anyone else at any given moment?
- How would your life change if you could experience orgasmic pleasure with ease and without fail?
- How would life be different if you could read your partner’s body language and know if it means they are enjoying or not enjoying what you’re offering?
- What if you had a common vocabulary about sexuality and eroticism that was easy to understand and made it fun to speak up, share, give, and receive?
- What if the pressures around sex no longer existed and there was space, wonder, curiosity, and delight?
- What would this do for your relationships?
- What would this do for your self-pleasure?
- What would this do for your confidence?
- For your state-of-being?
Hi, I’m Monica Jayne
I grew up being told and shown how to stop pleasure and arousal from happening in my body: My mom would cover my eyes and ears during love scenes on movies and TV shows. When I received catcalls, she’d say, “Don’t give them what they want. Don’t show them they affect you.”
I grew up Catholic in a Mormon area and sexuality was repressed, oppressed, shamed, demeaned. Sex was wrong and reserved for marriage and pleasure and arousal was naughty and forbidden.
As an adult I could not experience orgasm or climax. I pined away for the “out-of-this-world” pleasure it seemed everyone but me was experiencing.
I thought I was broken, damaged goods.
In new relationships, I’d be like a rabbit for the first few months and then my libido would crash and die. I’d be in sexless relationships for years! Yes – YEARS without any sexual activity.
It sucked for everyone involved.

The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course™ is what changed it all for me. It showed me I am not broken.
It showed me I am capable of orgasm and climax. It showed me I am not wired to receive pleasure the ways we are taught by mainstream media or porn – that’s why I was so lost. It showed me how my body is wired for arousal. It showed me how to give my body all kinds of experiences of pleasure.
After receiving this information, my libido skyrocketed. And, for the first time ever, I consistently experienced orgasms and climaxes most times I was physically intimate.
This course gave me the vocabulary to express to my lovers what I need, want, and desire with confidence and clarity and consistent positive results. And to better understand theirs too!

I’m now more connected and intimate than ever before. And, I’ve become a great lover, who is able to understand how my partners are wired for pleasure and to give them a fulfilling experience.
It was so amazing to my life, and that is why I became a Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach™.
The sex education found in the videos of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course (EBBC) is founded on years incredible research and experience. After over two decades of observation and clinical research in her private practice as a Somatic Sexologist and Sexological Bodyworker with her hands on and in thousands of bodies, an incredible woman named Jaiya discovered a map of arousal that reveals your specific erotic language and unique wiring for pleasure that leads to orgasmic delight. You will receive all the details of this revolutionary framework for deep sexual satisfaction when you say yes to the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course!!
This course is THE practical sex ed for pleasure, fulfillment, and satisfaction that everyone 18 years or greater deserves to receive –
Pleasure is Your Birthright! Please gift yourself this course today!!

Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course™
For Deep Connection, Hot Passion, and Sexual Satisfaction
The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course (EBBC) provides transformative sex education that inspires complete sexual fulfillment and deep connection.
The most common outcome for participants is, “I now know what I want, and have the words to speak up for and share it. I understand others’ needs that are the same and different from mine. Sex and intimacy are now fun!”
If you’re like most people you want to:
- Realize your erotic potential and feel fed and fulfilled
- Experience deep connection to yourself and your lover(s)
- Ignite and maintain passion, attraction, and sexual satisfaction
- Be felt, seen, heard and understood absent of judgement or shame
- Expand your sex life into new realms
The EBBC will give you all this and MORE!
The Practical Sex Education for Pleasure You Never Recieved
Schools teach sex ed that encourages abstinence, while warning about reproduction and disease. The focus is not pleasure – as adults, we deserve sex ed to optimize our pleasure!
In this course, you will learn...
Module 1
Evolutionary information about boundaries and consent and creating safety for your erotic potential to blossom
Module 2
What is a Core Erotic Blueprint™? And how to identify yours and your lover(s)
Module 3
Turn on techniques and touch and talk games to determine your Erotic Blueprint™ somatically
Module 4
Flirtation, seduction, satisfying others, and how to get your needs met
Module 5
Tone, body language, and words to tantalize each Blueprint both inside and outside the bedroom
Module 6
Uncover the roots of your biggest blocks and obstacles to erotic freedom and satisfaction and steps to overcome these once and for all
Module 7
Expansion into other Blueprints and becoming a diverse and dynamic lover
Module 8
Secrets of lasting passion and thriving connection for a lifetime
We’ve Got You Covered

Lifetime Membership in Erotic Freedom Club™
- Be a part of the transformational power of an international community of folx on a pilgrimage to realize their erotic potential
- Studies confirm that when you are part of a like-minded community, you are more likely to integrate learning, adopt new habits, and sustain transformation.
- Safe space to be vulnerable, raw, and real with your sexuality
- Practice courage to explore and push the edge of your own desire

Pleasure Mastery Group Coaching Calls - Monthly
- Get personalized coaching on this intimate group call from decades of erotic expertise of sexuality masters
- Receive One-On-One coaching to blow past blocks, learn specific tools and strategies for total sex-life satisfaction
- Learn sex life secrets and practices for erotic expansion
- Practice communication training so you can get your needs fed and fulfilled

Sex Tips, Tools, and Tricks Group Calls - Monthly
- Receive skilled mentorship to deepen and accelerate your growth
- Learn pleasure practices, skills, and strategies for total sexual fulfillment
- Participate in incredible brainstorms on how to take your pleasure to the next level
- Practice sexy sex life challenges
- Experience the most loving, thoughtful, and supportive mentorship you could ever imagine!

Comprehensive and Practical Sex Ed for Pleasure
- Inspire deep connection and total sexual satisfaction
- Express exactly what you want, how you want it and get it
- Have every aspect of your erotic self fed and fulfilled
- Re-Ignite passion, attraction and sexual satisfaction
- Connect more deeply with yourself and your lover(s)
- Be heard, seen and felt without judgment and shame
- And take your sex life to the next level

Empowered Erotic Persona Course
- Heal, awaken, and (re)claim all the parts of your sexuality and eroticism that have been forgotten, disowned, or shamed
- Experience the fullfillment of true erotic freedom and liberation.

Adventure Date Success System
- Turn up the heat to create life-long passion and irresistible magnetic attraction in your love life
- Take dating from mundane to magical
- Assure lusty desire and intense erotic heat
- Create unforgettable experiences and memories
Tuning Into My Body’s Preferences
Melissa Petterson | Jewelry Maker | California, USA
This is a video of me interviewing my long- time client, Melissa. We are talking about the effects that learning the Erotic Blueprints have on your life. Melissa learned to attune to an listen to her own body and honor her own erotic nature. Hear how you can too!
$ 997 Single Payment
- Everything you see listed on this page.
- Payment Plan available - click button for details.
$ 2997 Single Payment
- Includes everything on this page PLUS 2 coaching sessions with me and 1 round of Authentic Evolution™ LIVE.
- Payment Plan available - click button for details.
We’ve got the map for your ecstatic, orgasmic satisfaction!
- Deep Connection and Fulfilling Intimacy
- Embodied £rotic Ecstasy
- Playful, Connected S£xual Exploration
- Full-Bodied, Fully Felt and Enjoyed Orgasms
- Sexual Vitality, Health and Pleasure
- S£xual Satisfaction For a Lifetime
How does £rotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course get you there?
A great map shows you where you’re going, what to expect along the way and how to most easily make it to your destination.
A great map is designed by people who have traveled the path, many times, before you.
And an extraordinary map makes the journey full of wonder!!!
The map we give you does all of this as it guides you, every step of the way, to the destination of ecstatic, orgasmic satisfaction.
Let me tell you exactly how we get you there…
Our process to get you to £rotic Mastery and S£xual Fulfillment gives you the pleasure practices, skills and games to:
- Determine your own and a lover’s Blueprint. Get the certainty of personal s£xual satisfaction and the confidence that you can please any lover, no matter their Blueprint Type.
- Masterfully feed the turn ons of every Blueprint, your own, when single or playing solo, and your lover’s or future lover’s.
- Heal the Shadows or your s£xuality. Your fears, shames and traumas (your shadow aspects) put the brakes on your pleasure, keeping you from fully realizing your orgasmic potential. End the struggle and free yourself to experience otherworldly turn on and climax
- Expand into the pleasures of all that is £rotically possible. You don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to arousal, turn on and orgasmic fulfillment. When you discover the turn ons for each Blueprint Type and make them your own, you have access to pleasures you didn’t even know were possible.
Become a true £rotic Master!
The £rotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course is delivered in 8 online, in-depth modules.
We have broken each module into several, short classes (5 to 15 minutes each) with fun and playful action steps.
We want to make sure you’re winning every step of the way.
Easy wins make this adventure fun and exciting, making it more likely that you’ll stay the course..
We give you delicious games, fun practices, a companion workbook and audio program and many other experiential tools to delight you along the way.
The Course is your step by step roadmap to living an orgasmic life…
Module 1: Orgasmic Orientation:
We set you up for success
Give you easy wins to accelerate your £rotic transformation
Module 2: Core £rotic Blueprint Discovery:
The Blueprint Framework is far more than just the 5 £rotic Blueprint Types. In this module you will…
Discover the 5 Sexuality Stages. Knowing what stage you’re in empowers you to give yourself exactly what you need
Uncover the 4 fundamental pathways that can enhance your s£xual health and pleasure. Become your own £rotic Detective empowered to experience optimal s£xual wellness
Module 3: Deliciously Determining Blueprints: Let the games begin…
Determine your Core Erotic Blueprint™: Discover what truly feeds and fulfills you, and opens you to orgasmic vitality
Play touch and talk games to determine your own or someone else’s Blueprint in the course of an evening!
Explore the turn on techniques for all 5 Blueprint Types
Module 4: Frequently Feeding the Blueprints:
Get the touch you crave!
Watch and Learn with our super hot Feeding the Blueprints video demonstrations. See solo and partnered practices for every Blueprint Type! HOT!
Learn to articulate your sexual needs and so you can get them fed and fulfilled
Have confidence that you can satisfy a lover like never before
Module 5: Seductively Speaking the Blueprints
Confidently speak the most arousing words inside and outside the bedroom
More than words: congruent body language, presence and vocal tone turn make you the ultimate lover
Play a special game to uncover the hottest words for your own or a lover’s arousal
Whispering, emailing or sexting the right word and phrases to make a lover hunger for you
Module 6: Holistically Healing the Blueprints:
This is one of the most transformational modules:
Healing the shadow of your Blueprint opens you to more pleasure, being able to fully feel and pleasure and open to intimate connection
Become £rotically free when you uncover the roots of your blocks and integrate them
Overcome and breakthrough physical, emotional, biochemical or energetic obstacles that hold you back
Transform your biggest obstacles into your deepest pathways for pleasure
Module 7: Expertly Expanding Your Blueprints:
Expand your £rotic range and discover erotic satisfaction you didn’t even know was possible
Increase your lover’s satisfaction by learning to play like a master in their Blueprint
Claim your ultimate orgasms, orgasmic states and superpower s£x skills
This is the path to £rotic Mastery
Module 8: Hot S£x for a Lifetime!
Discover the secrets for a life of lasting passion, ravishment, connection and satisfaction
Couples: Learn what you need to keep it hot for a lifetime
Singles: learn the pleasure pathway to have an empowered s£xual journey
Celebrate your £rotic Evolution as we complete the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course!
This program is self-paced learning, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need.
Feeding the Blueprint Videos: Watch and Learn!
Powerful visual trainings reveal turn ons for every Blueprint Type.
For Energetics and Sensuals
For Kinky Dominance and Surrender
For S£xuals and Shapeshifters
These feeding videos provide guidance for both solo self-pleasure play and for partnered play… so no one is left behind
Though there is no nudity in these videos, they generate significant heat and demonstrate a wide range of pleasure possibilities for you to try.
Dynamic and Interactive Support!
It’s not just online learning…
- You become a member of £rotic Freedom Club, our exclusive online, sex-positive community filled with like minded, supportive seekers and many of our £rotic Blueprint Coaches™ ready to support and serve you
- Monthly Pleasure Mastery Group Coaching Calls: These calls are your access to one-on- one coaching to bust the blocks that stand in the way of your pleasure. Our Master Level Blueprint Coaches are available to you directly during this call
- Monthly S£x Tips Tools and Tricks group calls: This call gives you all the s£x techniques, games, strategies and pleasure practices to support your £rotic expansion exactly where you are here and now. We’ll brainstorm s£x life challenges, S£xy S£x Labs and Adventure Dates to supercharge your s£x life
There are many additional bonus trainings you get in £rotic Freedom Club when you become a member.
The course is yours for life.
You’ll always have these powerful lessons and tools at your fingertips to deepen your £rotic journey.
We have students who have been through the Course 5 times and they keep uncovering more, deeping more and expanding more!!!
We’d be honored to be your guides…
(©Jaiya, Inc. – all copy in FAQs is adapted from Jaiya, Inc.)
Yes, yes and yes! Being erotically alive and connected has nothing to do with being in a relationship with a partner or lover. I believe we set our own table for sexual satisfaction, whether single or in a partnership. You can have sexual satisfaction in solo practice. You can tune your erotic instrument and play yourself into a lather of ecstatic delights. And if you are seeking to be in relationship, learning what turns you on will set you up to get your needs met when you do attract that amazing new lover. Mastering the skills of feeding each Erotic Blueprint™ Type will turn you into a Sexy Superhero. You can confidently enter into erotic play with a new lover(s), be certain to get your needs met and blow them away with your otherworldly ability to feed their deepest desires. In fact, Erotic Blueprint™ Breakthrough Course is some of the best training to attract your ideal lover and craft a relationship with irresistible magnetic attraction for a lifetime.
Partners can purchase at a discounted price.
The only thing required is that you say “Yes” to Jaiya, Inc.’s community rules when you join Erotic Freedom Club and say “Hi” in an introductory post. You will find the courage to lift the lid of your sexy self and share over time, but you are not required to make posts.
The Course is yours to keep for life. The course is delivered online and at the end of the course you will receive a content email that contains downloadable links for the entire course. While you are taking Erotic Blueprint™ Breakthrough Course you will also be part of Erotic Freedom Club. The classes, pop ups and special treats that are part of Erotic Freedom Club are only available to active members of the club. Short answer: Everything that is part of Erotic Blueprint™ Breakthrough Course is yours for life to use and review at your leisure. Enjoy 😉
Your Credit Card statement will say “Unabashed, LLC” for the charges for the EBBC.
By default you can’t buy ANYTHING online without the site having an SSL Certificate (allows for a secure connection from web server to a browser), on top of that Unabashed, LLC is PCI DSS Compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), which is another level of security required to comply with in order to use our Payment Gateway online. You are in very good hands!
Although the material for the course is completely pre-recorded and intended to be a self-paced program, there are many live aspects of dynamic and interactive support! It’s not just online learning…
By subscribing to the course you also receive lifetime membership to £rotic Freedom Club, an exclusive online, sex-positive community filled with like minded, supportive seekers and many £rotic Blueprint Coaches™ ready to support and serve.
In £rotic Freedom Club you get:
- Monthly Pleasure Mastery Group Coaching Calls: These calls are your access to one-on- one coaching to bust the blocks that stand in the way of your pleasure. Jaiya and Ian, founders of the Erotic Blueprints™, and Master Level Blueprint Coaches are available to you directly during this call
- Monthly S£x Tips Tools and Tricks group calls: This call gives you all the s£x techniques, games, strategies and pleasure practices to support your £rotic expansion exactly where you are here and now. We’ll brainstorm s£x life challenges, S£xy S£x Labs and Adventure Dates to supercharge your s£x life
- Plus many additional bonuses and trainings.
You will also be invited complementary, to Jaiya, Inc.’s annual live event Path to Passion, where you will be able to experience the community live and in person. Many people are transformed by the reality of being surrounded by so many s£x positive peers and come away with life-long friendships.
The course begins as soon as you are a “Hell Yes!”. The course materials are available to you directly after subscribing. All you need to do is enroll and create your profile in £rotic Freedom Club then, dive right in!
This program is designed for self-paced learning, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need. It is intended to be taken no quicker than one module per week over the course of 8 weeks so you have a chance to allow the lessons to really sink in and for pleasure to fully integrate into your life.
You will need to set aside around 2.5-3 hours per module.
Each of the 8 modules are broken down into several, short classes (5 to 15 minutes each) with fun and playful action steps along the way.
However, this is only regarding the time you will need in order to watch the recorded material and complete the workbook. The ideal way to take this course is by expanding into more pleasure throughout your entire life. So, the real answer is 24/7! Opening to greater connection and pleasure throughout your day to day experience.
While you do get lifetime access to the course the videos are not available for download. This way, you can revisit the course material whenever you want without having to search through your old computer files to find it. You will also be notified if at any point the course materials are updated or enhanced in any way. The worksheets are available for download.
The tuition offered to you is for a single membership. By upgrading your membership to include your partner, you both receive lifetime access to the course as well as separate lifetime memberships to £rotic Freedom Club. Here you both get to create your personalized profiles and express your individuality within the community, as well as join the live calls.
Having a strong container of consent means that only those who have become a member of £rotic Freedom Club can get all the benefits of the course and the community. In order to maintain this container it is necessary to know who is a part of the community. By choosing to enroll your partner in the program, they will become a full participant in the community, and will then be permitted to engage in the course materials as well as be on the calls for Pleasure Mastery or Sex Tips, Tools and Tricks.
Not to worry! The live calls are scheduled for different times each month so that wherever you are in the world, there will be a call that you will be able to make at some point. Plus, we record all calls and post them for review online in £rotic Freedom Club.
You are needed!!
Jaiya, Inc. has a personal and professional goal of evolving their framework, language and sentiments to be progressively inclusive for all types of folks. They have been actively working on this and had a diversity specialist on set of the £rotic Blueprint Breakthrough Course during the entire shoot making sure to use inclusive language and neutralizing gender specific associations.
However, this is work in progress and honestly, more leaders and people who are willing to be seen are needed within this community. Let’s celebrate you!!
There will be no live nude webcamming and although there is no nudity in the recorded material, they do generate significant heat and demonstrate a wide range of pleasure possibilities for you to try.
The EBBC option has no direct connection to interaction and support from Monica Jayne. EBBC + offers you direct support from Monica Jayne in the form of two private coaching sessions and membership in They Didn’t Teach Me That™ online community. The EBBC + option is a holistic approach to adulting covering a wide rage of adulting topics from relationships (platonic to sexual), communication, and conflict resolution to emotinoal intelligence, authenticity, and vulnerability, where as the EBBC option is focused on eroticism and sex.
What people are saying…
I know and accept what I want Knowing my arousal type has taught me what I need in life to be happy, how to let go of the shame society puts on me, and to accept what I like and what I want. And to stop judging myself, my tastes and needs has been the hardest lesson that I have had to learn in my lifetime.
Thank you, Monica Jayne. Something that has been so taboo in my life was all the sudden ok to talk about, experience, and share my thoughts about it with others without feeling like a weirdo.

I walk through life finding pleasure in everything Before the Blueprint course, I was very ashamed of my sexuality, so much so that I would choose romantic relationships that weren’t sexual in order to avoid my insatiable hunger. I was so afraid of my turn on and my desire. The Blueprint course validated my shapeshifter tendencies and allowed me to step into my full fierceness, not only in sex, but in relationships, business, and as a mother as well. I walk through life with more pizazz and excitement, finding pleasure in everything and with more confidence in knowing that I can indeed have it all!

Blew the lid off of my world and changed all of my relationships! I did not know my erotic self was starving, until I was deep into the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course. The knowledge and tools presented in the course gave me methods to develop personal skills by exploring and learning how feed my primary erotic blueprint. My first (sex life) challenge blew the lid off of my world and changed all of my relationships! (Deeper, richer, and happier).
Mark Van VlackVideo Course Participant
I finally know what arouses me My husband always asked me what I wanted sexually. I said I don’t know because I really didn’t. Now I feel like I have an idea of what I need to be turned on but I need more help in getting rid of my hesitations and shade to be fully capable of satisfaction.

My marriage has completely transformed I had been in a relatively sexless relationship for 35 years. When we married, I thought it would get better. I was too shy and ashamed to ask for what I needed. Thought that he was not attracted to me, and went to bed hoping that tonight would be the night, and always went to sleep feeling rejected. Then we discovered the Blueprints. A vehicle to bring us closer together in a way that neither of us ever thought was possible. Our sexlife has completely turned around since we’ve learnt how to please each other. We are closer and more in love than the day we married. I am utterly grateful and feeling full of passion and lighted hearted fun.

I Have A Framework to Communicate My Needs I have always been a sexually open person with an internal drive to always want more. This class helped to understand that. This is me and all I need to do is accept myself moving forward. In the future it will help my partner to better understand my needs and my hope is that through communication and trust we can both reach a point where we are fulfilling our erotic potential together while keeping her personal blueprint needs in mind.

$ 997 Single Payment
- Everything you see listed on this page.
- Payment Plan available - click button for details.
$ 2997 Single Payment
- Includes everything on this page PLUS two private 1:1 sessions with me and 3 months in They Didn’t Teach Me That™
- Payment Plan available - click button for details.